Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan Sahasranama Homa

10.11.2012 14:41

Homa Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan Sahasranama

Todo gran ser o Avatar ha sido el epicentro de Gracia en la forma de revelación, milagros, transformación o experiencias místicas.  Conocemos los fascinantes milagros y diversos fenómenos Divinos que han tenido lugar en torno a Sri Amma Bhagavan.  Sri Amma Bhagavan son una misma consciencia en dos cuerpos.  Invocar su Divina presencia funciona como bendiciones, despertándonos a dimensiones superiores de existencia.  Una de las formas poderosas de invocar su Divina presencia es realizando rituales.  El Homa o ritual de fuego es muy antiguo y uno de los más efectivos desde tiempos de los profetas védicos.

Con base en algunos impresionantes principios del universo, los rituales de fuego son de tremenda ayuda para alejar las energías negativas, así como atraer las energías auspiciosas.  Estos rituales poderosos y elaborados invocan a la Divinidad; afectan la mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu del participante.  El fuego sagrado en el Homa sirve como medio para llevar nuestras oraciones a la Divinidad, mientras que la repetición y canto de mantras genera vibraciones divinas que ayudan a manifestar las oraciones en realidad.

La Oneness celebre el 14 de noviembre como el DÍA DE LA GRATITUD.  La Gratitud es un sentimiento poderoso con el cuál, podemos lograrlo todo... lo que sea.  En esta ocasión especial el Homa Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan Sahasranama tendrá lugar en Satyalok, en dónde expresaremos nuestra gratitud a la Divinidad por todo lo que nos ha sido otorgado en la vida y como consecuencia, recibiremos tremenda Gracia.

El Homa Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan Sahasranama nos despierta al poder infinito, esplendor y sabiduría de Sri Amma Bhagavan.  En este ritual, Sri Amma Bhagavan, al ser la deidad que preside aceptarán todas las ofrendas realizadas durante el homa y satisfarán los 4 purushartas(áreas) de la vida, a saber: Artha, Kama, Dharma y Moksha.  Este auspicioso homa será testimonio del fenómeno que son Sri Amma Bhagavan.

El Homa Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan Sahasranama  concede a los participantes 21 Sankalpas (Intenciones o beneficios) que cubren todos los aspectos de su vida material y espiritual.

  • Amor y fortalecimiento de los lazos familiares / mejores relaciones de familia
  • Riqueza y prosperidad
  • Éxito en los negocios
  • Satisfacción de los deseos
  • Nombre, fama y reconocimiento en la vida
  • Lograr los objetivos sin obstáculos
  • Valor y la liberación de los temores personales.
  • Salud y longevidad
  • Aumento de la concentración y enfoque, mejor memoria y despertar a los talentos personales innatos.
  • Una vida auspiciosa
  • Armonía en la vida marital y la bendición de ser padres
  • Progenie
  • Ser bendecido con samskaras auspiciosos
  • Oraciones para alinear las 9 posiciones planetarias a las energías personales para materializar los deseos.
  • Despertar y ser bendecido con sat karma
  • Crecimiento espiritual y transformación
  • Bendiciones de nuestros ancestros
  • Apaciguar a las deidades y recibir sus bendiciones
  • La Divina protección y resguardo de Sri Amma Bhagavan
  • Loka Kalyan (paz mundial)
  • La bendición de entrar a un estado evolucionado de consciencia para contribuir a la liberación de la humanidad.

Te invitamos a ti y a tu familia a participar en este auspicioso homa para recibir una plétora de bendiciones de Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan.

El homa se realizará en Satyalok, India, pero tú puedes participar desde dónde te encuentres.

Necesitas darnos tu nombre, fecha de nacimiento, una fotografía y tus oraciones.  Nosotros haremos el homa en tu nombre.


Sri Bhagavathi Bhagavan Sahasranama Homa
Every great being or Avatar has been the epicenter of grace in the form of revelation, miracles, transformation or mystical experiences. We know the astounding miracles and the varied divine phenomena that happen around Sri Amma Bhagavan.  Sri Amma Bhagavan are one single consciousness in two bodies. Invoking their divine presence would act as benedictions, awakening one to higher dimensions of existence. One of the powerful ways of invoking their divine presence is through performing rituals. 'Homa' or the fire ritual is very ancient and has been the most effective ritual right from the times of the Vedic Seers. Based on a few amazing principles of the universe, the fire rituals are a tremendous help in keeping away the negative energies as well as drawing in auspicious energies. These powerful and elaborate rituals invoke the divine; affect the mind, body and spirit of the participant.  The sacred fire in the homa would serve as a medium to carry prayers to the divine; while the chanting of mantras would generate divine vibrations that would help in manifestation of prayers into reality. 
Oneness celebrates November 14th as DAY OF GRATITUDE.  Gratitude is a powerful feeling with which we can achieve anything and everything. On this special occasion Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan Sahasranama Homa would take place at Satyalok, where we would be expressing gratitude to the Divine for all that has been bestowed upon us in our life and would thus receive tremendous grace. Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan Sahasranama Homa awakens one to the infinite power, splendour and wisdom of Sri Amma Bhagavan. In this ritual Sri Amma Bhagavan, being the presiding deity would accept all that has been offered in the homa and fulfill the 4 purushartas (stages) of life namely Artha, Kama, Dharma and Moksha. This auspicious homa would stand as a testimony to the phenomenon that Sri Amma Bhagavan are.   
Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan Sahasranama Homa bestows the participants with 21 Sankalpas (Intents/Benefits) that cover every aspect of their material and spiritual life: 
* Love and strengthening family bond / improved family relationships.
* Wealth and prosperity
* Successful trade / business
* Fulfillment of desires
* Name, fame and prominence in life
* To achieve planned objectives without obstacles
* To be liberated from one's fears and become courageous
* Health and longevity
* Increased concentration & better focus and improved memory power and awaken to latent talents
* Auspicious life
* Harmony in marital relationship and to be blessed with children
* Progeny
* To be blessed with auspicious samskaras
* Prayers to align the 9 planetary positions to one's own energies to materialise one's desires.
* To get Awakened & be blessed with satkarma
* Spiritual growth and transformation
* Ancestral blessings
* To appease the various gods to receive their blessings
* Sri Amma Bhagavan's Divine protection and shield
* Loka Kalyan (world peace)
* To be blessed to move into an evolved state of consciousness to contribute to humanity's liberation
We invite you and your family to participate in this auspicious homa to receive the bountiful blessings of Sri Bhagavati Bhagavan. This year we will be performing the Homa on 25th November 2012, Sunday, whereby many people can partake in this Homa 
Date & Time: 25th November 2012 (Sunday)
Venue: Satyalok 
Other Details:
You could participate in this Homa from your places by giving your names, date of birth, photograph and prayers.  We will be performing the homa on your behalf.
Our love & prayers for your wellbeing,
Ever in service of SRI AMMA BHAGAVAN,
Vikram, Guide,
In today’s rapidly changing civilization, success is not just about being highly efficient in one’s work. It’s something much more. If one has to succeed on a consistent basis, one need to take responsibility for his/her life and set higher standards. It is not enough if you achieve academic standards excellence alone. Human quality is an inseparable part of success. But the current education system is only focused on the 3 that is reading, writing and arithmetic, does not cater to this aspect.
For the past few years, Oneness has been affecting and shaping the lives of many students, young adults and professionals through performing the ancient ritual, known as Vidya Homa. 
Vidya or Divine Intelligence is an essential requirement in any field, be it academics, job, occupation, business, loving family relationships, health or peace. Vidya is not limited to success in school, but it is a guiding light of one’s career. In order to achieve and be successful one has to be in a state of continuous learning from all incidents in life. It is a divine benediction which a person can’t attain only through his/her own efforts.
The Vidya Homa aims to bestow Divine intelligence to every participant, thus illuminating their lives and leading them to the path of success.
The Vidya Homa helps one to become more intelligent, more focused, increases one’s concentration, strengthens memory that help you to achieve academic  & professional success.  Powered by the Divine grace of Sri Amma Bhagavan, the Vidya Homa also helps to become a better human being.
Educational improvement and Higher Studies for students.
Growth in your career.
Flowering of Intelligence
Increase in Creativity
To improve Memory Power & Concentration
Discovering one’s Swadharma (Destined Career)
Job opportunity and Promotion
Business improvement
To bring out the Hidden Potentials
Experience bliss and peace
Accreditation of Educational institutions
Prosperous & Joyful living
For Teachers to be a better instrument for knowledge to flow
To become free of all addictions
To receive Blessings from Sri Saraswathi Devi , the Goddess of Knowledge
Special Vidya Deeksha will be bestowed (intent deeksha)
Miracles & Experiences 
Suresh Babu, Chennai, India
I  participated  in Vidya Homa continuously for 3 years and every year I experienced miracles and Breakthroughs with the Grace of Sri Amma Bhagavan. After first year Homa, I got admission in MTech course through merit in one of the popular Universities of  India, Anna University . After peforming the second year Homa I got job in a multinational company. After third year Homa I got appointed as Grade C scientist by Government of India. My Heartfelt Gratitude to Sri Amma Bhagavan for fulfilling all my Dreams.
Sukanya, Coimbatore , India
I finished PhD in Cosmetology and was working in the Medical Field. As I participated in last year Vidya Homa , I got a strong intuition from my Divine within about the new business I should start and once I started that Business my earnings multiplied and in the last six months I earned 2 million Indian Rupees. Million Thanks to my Amma Bhagavan who guided me from Inside.
Sri Vaishnavi Devi, Thiruvarur , India
I was struggling in my studies . I participated in Vidya Homa and prayed to Sri Amma Bhagavan. My studies improved and in that year final examination I scored very high marks and I got free admission in my Dream Medical University .
Anand, Virudunagar, India
I participated in last year Vidya Homa. As I prayed during the Homa, in my Engineering exams, I got grade 9.7 out of 10 . And as I prayed during the Homa I got a job in one of the leading Multinational company BOSCH.  My deep Gratitude to Sri Amma Bhagavan who fulfilled my hearts desires.